FANNY: The Right To Rock
Films, Opening | Closing | Centerpiece Films
1H 36MIN
Availability ended 10/23/2021 MST
Before The Runaways, before The Go-Go’s…there was Fanny. Founded in Sacramento in the 1960s, #getbehindfanny!
Before The Runaways, before The Go-Go’s…there was Fanny. Founded in Sacramento in the 1960s, Fanny was the first all-female rock band to release an LP with a major label, paving the way for generations of women to shred. TFMF alum Bobbi Jo Hart (I Am Not A Rock Star, TFMF13 ) follows Fanny’s early days as a garage band, garnering attention and accolades, through their difficulties breaking into mainstream success, to their reunion and recording of their latest album in 2018. Featuring interviews with some of music’s heaviest hitters (and Fanny proselytizers) including Alice Bag, Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott, Bonnie Raitt, The Go-Go’s Kathy Valentine, Todd Rundgren, The Runaways’ Cherie Currie, The B-52s’ Kate Pierson, Charles Neville and David Bowie guitarist and bassist Earl Slick and Gail Ann Dorsey, Hart paints a full portrait of Fanny’s legacy, finally giving this criminally overlooked band the credit they deserve. Originally positioned as a female version of the Beatles, Fanny was unwavering in their refusal to conform to sexist rock ideals and instead relied on their ability to play their asses off. A Filipina-American, lesbian band, they rallied against misogyny, racism, homophobia, and an industry that wasn’t quite ready for them. But the women of Fanny are ready now to take their place in the halls of rock 'n' roll fame.
Directed by Bobbi Jo Hart
Production Company Adobe Productions