Mustang Moments (Arizona Premiere)
Mustang Moments is a short documentary about the Wild Horse Inmate Program at the Arizona State Prison.
Mustang Moments is a short documentary about the Wild Horse Inmate Program at the Arizona State Prison. Supervisor Randy Helm along side world-renowned horse trainer Lanny Leach, created a program and academy where wild mustang horses are trained by inmates. The inmates gain a positive work ethic, self-esteem, pride and a trade that can be used upon release. The mustangs learn to trust and connect with humans. The result is a win-win for both the horse and the inmate. After training, mustangs are adopted to loving homes. The film encourages positive prison reform and features the inmates working with the horses and how their lives are changed forever.
Mustang Moments (Arizona Premiere) Directed by Jamie Williams That Girl Productions USA/2020/6 min https://www.thatgirlproductions.com/ Credits
Directed by Jamie Williams
Production Company That Girl Productions
Produced by Cary Truelick