The First Step (Southwest Premiere)
1H 29MIN
Availability ended 11/5/2021 MST
Tucson Film & Music Festival 2021 Spotlight Documentary! A look into activist and TV host Van Jones.
In a divided America, Van Jones controversially works across party lines on landmark criminal justice reform and a more humane response to the addiction crisis. Attempting to be a bridge builder in a time of extreme polarization takes him deep into the inner workings of a divisive administration, internal debates within both parties, and the lives of frontline activists fighting for their communities.
The First Step (Arizona Premiere) Directed by Brandon Kramer Produced by Lance Kramer Meridian Hill Pictures USA/2021/89 min http://thefirststep.com/ Credits
Directed by Brandon Kramer
Production Company Meridian Hill Pictures
Produced by Lance Kramer
Cast Van Jones